3D Reference Tool

Anatomy references made for artists visible from every angle

+ 3D models made especially for artists

+ Weekly updates of 3D anatomy references

+ Rotate, pan, and zoom in on the smallest details

+ Same color codes as in our books

+ Block-outs, anatomy, and realistic models

+ Tool also features video tips and 2D illustrations

Variety of 3D anatomy reference

3D Reference Tool is much more than just a library of scans. Here, you will find 3D anatomy references – block-outs, anatomy models, and realistic assets – to help you understand and create realistic human anatomy.

male ecorche for 3d reference tool

Male ecorche

Male ecorche is an excellent aid in anatomy studies for artists and the very first model we uploaded. Although it’s one of our most valuable assets, you can always access it for free.

female ecorche for 3d reference tool

Female ecorche

Finally, there’s a female ecorche! In the golden age of ecorche-making, the male was the focal point of art. We created a 3D model of a female ecorche – now available for subscribers on 3D Reference Tool!

Visible from any angle

Ever found the perfect image just to realize there are no references of the same posture from a different angle? 3D REF has 3D anatomy references for artists, which you can view from any angle and zoom in on the smallest details.

Anatomy reference for artists

All our 3D anatomy references are made with artists in mind. We don’t include excess information in our models, focusing on explaining the surface forms – so they’re helpful references when creating your art.

Anatomy for animators

Anatomy for animators is challenging to demonstrate using static media, so we’ve added animations to 3D REF. The anatomy for animators section illustrates the changes in surface forms during various movements.

Use together with our books!

Our books are better with 3D REF, and 3D REF is better with our books! We use the same color codes throughout 3D REF and all our books. Make your experience more immersive with 3D REF and get extra information and context from the books.

Check out the books

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