Understanding the Human Figure

Visual examples and references are the most important!

Check out the author Uldis Zarins, flipping through the book while describing the though process

Visual examples and references are the most important!

Check out the author Uldis Zarins, flipping through the book while describing the though process

male torso form realistic to simplified anatomy for sculptors understanding the human figure

Visual artists
are visual thinkers!

Anatomy For Sculptors: Understanding the Human Figure uses images and gives you everything you need to create realistic human body forms – from head to toe.

Instead of medical anatomy textbooks overstuffed with information, you finally have an anatomy book made for artists!


Understanding the Human Figure combines 3D models of the human body with photos of live models in various body postures.

We use color-code overlays with muscle diagrams to help you understand the human body from multiple angles.

block farming semipronated arm anatomy for sculptors understanding the human figure
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The anatomy class at the Ecole des Beaux Arts by Francois Salle with ecorche 3D anatomy model anatomy for
Dantan Edouard Joseph 51 137 medium copy
foot shapes and forming a foot anatomy for sculptors understanding the human figure

Learning how to understand anatomy

Internet doesn’t have it all. Finding the exact online reference materials you need may turn out to be more difficult than you thought – this leads you to improvise.

Improvisation without a real understanding of the human figure brings frustrations and often results in anatomically awkward imperfections.

classical nose anatomy for sculptors understanding the human figure

A live model

Becoming a masterful visual artist required you put in long hours of practice to hone your skills. A reliable anatomy references can be an excellent substitute for the live model – as long as they really are good!

Understanding the Human Figure has every reference you’ll need rendered in highest quality.

all about eyes anatomy for sculptors understanding the human figure

Postures and motions

The book contains visual references for hundreds of body postures and motions. These include a twisted torso, abduction, and adduction of arms and many more.

No more guessing!

Gain the understanding of the human figure and its motions with the help of this book! Soon, instead of just copying nature, you will understand it and improve your artwork.

These companies let us put their logos here. They also use our books in their everyday work.

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company and school logos that use anatomy for sculptors horizontal 2
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